The Knight of Wands represents the power you have inside to achieve your dreams. You are full of passion and energy, and this is spurring you forward in life.
The Knight of Wands Tarot Card Keywords: Adventurousness, Passionate, Confidence
When this card appears in a reading, it is a sign that your deepest desires can be achieved. You have everything you need to get to where you wish to be, and it is time for action.
The Knight of Wands predicts an exciting change in the right direction. This can be a career change or a change of scenery. Whatever the change is, it will be an amazing time for you. You feel free now to go after what you want, and you are brimming with adventurousness and passion.
Remember to use your smarts when moving on with your goals! Take a moment before the leap to weigh up the pros and cons and work out how to put the best foot forward.
The Knight of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When reversed, the Knight of Wands represents a cocky and superficial person. They are full of charm and ego, but it is all for show. They care too much about power and status, and not about the things that really matter.
Could the reversed Knight of Wands represent you? Are you acting in a cocky and selfish way? It is time to sort out your priorities and figure out what will actually bring fulfillment to your life.
If the reversed Knight of Wands represents someone in your life, be very wary of them. They may seem great, but they aren’t all that special. Keep them at arm’s length, and don’t fall for their flashy behavior.