The Page of Wands brings an energy of enthusiasm and adventurousness. When appearing in a reading, this card represents the fun parts of life. It is time to embrace his energy and jump into your passions.
The Page of Wands Tarot Card Keywords: Good News, Outgoing, Cheerfulness
It is a time for creativity and inspiration, with new ideas and experiences coming your way.
Look at life in a childlike way, regaining passions and your lust for life. You will begin to feel very playful and enjoy the simple things in life.
The Page of Wands can also suggest that good news is coming your way. Keep your eyes peeled, and be confident when this news comes! It is a source of goodness, and it is important to embrace it wholeheartedly.
The Page of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When reversed, the Page of Wands represents an immature and childish person. They rarely think before they speak, and this causes issues in their relationships. They are brash and rude, and their outgoing nature can feel very draining.
Could the reversed Page of Wands reflect you? It is time for you to keep your immaturity in check?
If there is a reversed Page of Wands in your life, it can be hard to not get annoyed by them. They may be someone you work with or a family member. Just remember to act like a grown-up and never stoop to their level!
The reversed Page of Wands can also reflect a delay in plans, with bad news affecting your goals in life.