The Hermit is like the lantern, illuminated from within by all he is, capable of penetrating the darkness. Staff in hand, he heads back out into the world, expecting nothing, but changed within.
The Hermit Tarot Card Keywords: Wisdom, Solitude, Enlightenment, Guidance
Just as beacons of light guide ships to the shore, this sage assists in a period of personal growth and exploration.
The Hermit is on a spiritual journey and is using intuition and reflection in order to learn and grow. They are becoming wiser with every step, spending time alone to find enlightenment.
The Hermit represents your lone wanderer, finding the innermost knowledge of yourself. It asks you to earn valuable wisdom by seeking the highest truth.
Are you the Hermit? Do you need to step back and be by yourself, in order to move forward with your spirituality? This may be scary at first, but solitude and meditation can help you grow and learn.
Perhaps a Hermit will soon enter your life, providing you with guidance. Listen to those that are wiser than you, and pay attention to their actions and words. They will teach you a lot by not saying much.
The Hermit Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When the Hermit appears reversed in a reading, he is lonely and disconnected from the world around him. He is feeling out of touch with the world and does not know where to turn in order for support and kindness.
It is time for the Hermit to address his feelings of worry and loneliness. It is time for him to reach out.