The Eight of Cups represents a time of transition. When appearing in a reading, it signifies a need to let go and move forward in your life.
The Eight of Cups Tarot Card Keywords: Abandonment, Letting Go, Travel, Introspection
The future is uncertain for you right now, but you must keep putting one foot in front of the other.
What do you need to walk away from right now? Is a friendship or relationship causing pain and upset in your life?
It is time to leave negativity behind and do what you can to move forward. In the long run, you can’t afford to have anyone in your life that doesn’t support you.
The Eight of Cups can also suggest that negative thinking is taking over. You are going through a transition in your life, but you are not seeing the positives of it. Perhaps you are still clinging to the things that you need to leave behind.
Keep moving forward and facing up to your future. It is bright, and you will get to where you deserve to be in the end!
The Eight of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When reversed, the Eight of Cups is calling you out of your behavior. You are clinging to the past and refusing to move forward on your true path in life.
It is time to reflect, let go, and look toward your future.
The reversed Eight of Cups can also represent confusion about your future. You may be feeling pretty unsure right now about which path to take. This all feels pretty scary and difficult for you right now, so make sure you think things through before making any big decisions.