The Three of Swords is a difficult card to receive in a reading. It reflects a sudden blow to your happiness, with betrayals and heartbreak appearing in your life.
The Three of Swords Tarot Card Keywords: Heartbreak, Sadness, Grief
This situation will cause a lot of pain for you. People who you trusted may hurt you with their words and behavior. This heartbreak and pain will be unexpected, which causes the emotions to be even more intense.
However, we can find positives and comfort in the Three of Swords. You may be feeling as if you cannot get through this sadness and grief, however, there will be a silver lining.
Those that have broken your heart need to be left in the past, with your focus solely on the future. Find the strength within you to move forward, knowing that things will be better soon.
The Three of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When reversed, the Three of Swords has an element of freedom. It will appear in a reading when heartbreak and pain have occurred. However, this pain is behind you and you are forgiving yourself and those in your life.
You may feel as if bad luck has been following you around recently. With the reversed Three of Swords, take comfort in knowing that this is all changing. The pain you have suffered has made you a stronger person and you are ready to take on the world. Look towards the future with your head held high.