The Four of Swords Tarot Card Upright & Reversed Meaning

The Four of Swords indicates that you have been feeling overloaded and stressed recently. You are pretty drained and in need of good rest!

The Four of Swords Tarot Card Keywords: Over Stimulation, Chaos, Relaxation, Rest

When the Four of Swords appears in a reading, the Tarot is telling you that you need to take some time out of your busy schedule for rest and relaxation. You are burning the candle at both ends, with loads of events and responsibilities filling your calendar.

four of swords modern way tarot card

Take a step back from your hectic day-to-day life and focus on yourself. Spend some time alone to give you a bit of peace, recharging your batteries for your next adventure.

When the Four of Swords appears in a reading, you may wish to pamper yourself a little bit. Have a bubble bath or get a massage, and you will soon be feeling fresh and reading to go!

The Four of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

When reversed, the Four of Swords maintains its upright meaning. However, its message is much more urgent!

You are seriously drained right now, and your mental and physical well-being will soon suffer if you do not take the time out that you need.

You are a pretty determined person who loves to work hard. This is a great thing about you, but it is important to balance your work life with self-care. It is okay to give yourself some time off to treat yourself! You work hard, so you deserve it.